Excel Integration
The FieldTwin Excel Reporting tool allows the generation of a report for any project based on a predefined Excel spreadsheet and configuration file. The Excel spreadsheet is automatically populated from FieldTwin based on asset and connection properties, metadata and quantities. User defined parameters created in FieldTwin can also be used to populate the Excel sheet.

Key features
- Automatically populate an Excel report from FieldTwin data
- Built-in support for Excel formulas
- Detection of information and warning messages generated by the report
- Report configuration tool
- Selection of equipment using tags
- Set up data filters, sorting and processing parameters
- Display the completed worksheet or the contents of a cell range in FieldTwin
- Option to automatically re-run the report as changes are made in FieldTwin
- Download the completed report as an XLSX file
- Support for multiple reports per FieldTwin account
Generate a report
Conveniently group assets and material or work packages
Every asset, well and connection in FieldTwin can be given a group name (tag) allowing equipment to be grouped together for a particular project phase, production loop, etc. This tagging allows the user to group assets and connections to be included in the Excel report, allowing for different scenarios and aspects of your project to reported separately.

Worksheet Configuration
This section allows the user to configure the report worksheets and assign text or data values to the worksheet. The user can add new worksheets and rename each worksheet.
Each row in the table details the text and data values to be placed on each row in the worksheet. The user can modify the configuration for each row to include a text label in a particular cell, the data and data filter to be used and the style (colour, font, etc).
The Excel Reporting Tool is a very powerful easy to use tool which will add value to any FieldTwin project.